Tag: contemporary jewellery; exhibition

Visible and invisible worlds

“I think we are always searching for something hidden or merely potential or hypothetical, following its traces whenever they appear on the surface […] The word connects the visible trace with the invisible thing, the absent thing, the thing that is desired or feared, like a frail emergency bridge flung over an abyss. For this reason, the proper use of the language, for me personally, is one that enables us to approach things (present or absent) with discretion, attention, and caution, with respect for what things (present or absent) communicate without words.” Italo Calvino, Six memos for the next millennium from the exhibition catalogue of LE STANZE DEL POSSIBILE. Jewellery Variations and inspirations on Italo Calvino’s “Six Memos for the next Millennium.

Read more about the exhibition catalogue at Klimt02

See more via HANNAH GALLERY and KLIMT02

A presto,


THE SUSTAINED INTENSITY OF SURFACES | On Otto Künzli and Therese Hilbert at Hannah Gallery by Klimt02

Upon observing the corpus of works exhibited by the renowned Swiss artists Therese Hilbert and Otto Künzli at Hannah Gallery for the exhibition “Day and Night”, one is caught by the effects of their surfaces.


The meticulous geometry which defines the physical object itself as well as its surface, suddenly reveals something that goes beyond the nature of the piece itself: a dimension of depth and force.

Depth and force bubbling from Therese Hilbert’s pieces inspired by the volcanoes, always interested and influenced by their great nature and by their uncontrollable force, the telluric energy and their unpredictable yet fascinating masses.

The depth of an inner dimension emerging from the pieces by Otto Künzli shaped in form of an eye:  looking quietly, never judging, asking the viewer “Who are you?”, as the Caterpillar asked once to Alice…

Therese Hilbert, Untitled, pendant, 2018 – Silver blackened, laquer.
Ø 10.5 cm, H 2 cm.
Photo by: Otto Künzli
Courtesy of Hannah Gallery Barcelona

Surfaces for both Otto and Therese are a medium to slip ourselves elsewhere: this movement, from the plane to the depth is due by the tension of the surface; by the essentiality of the form, by the pureness of lines and geometry and, above all, by the conscious choice of using few materials.

So let’s pretend to be all Alice and, by looking “beyond the mirror”, through the skin of the pieces, we wonder at the works and we wonder about who and what we are….

Otto Künzli, Auge III, brooch, 2016 – Corian.
8.8 x 7.5 x 0.5 cm.
Photo by: Otto Künzli
Courtesy of Hannah Gallery Barcelona

Read the full article via HANNAH GALLERY BARCELONA

See all the pieces exhibited via here

Meet Otto Künzli and meet Therese Hilbert 

A presto,
